Rutledge Elementary School Reopening Guidelines

Entering School Building

·         Faculty and staff will have temperatures taken and documented each morning before students report.

·         Students will report directly to their homeroom each morning. Temperatures will be checked by the teacher and documented daily. Anyone with a fever (100.4) or symptoms              of COVID-19, will not be allowed to remain at school.

·         Face coverings or masks for all students and staff (PreK-12) are required in common areas such as hallways, cafeteria lines, and gyms in school buildings and on buses, unless            contraindicated for health reasons.   They are also required within the classroom if social distancing can not be maintained.  Masks will be provided by the school system for                both students and staff.

·         Health assessment questions will be administered each morning.  If a student's response causes them to fail the health assessment, then further investigation will move                      forward.  If evidence of COVID-19 exposure or symptoms are found, then the student will be sent home to quarantine for 10 days.  The assessment questions are listed below:

                          How are you feeling today?
                          Have you had a fever?
                          Have you thrown up or had diarrhea since yesterday?
                          Have you been coughing, had a sore throat, or a stomach ache?
                          Can you taste and smell okay?
                          Have you been around anyone that is sick?

·         Breakfast will be delivered to classrooms.  Students who want to receive a breakfast will need to be in their classroom by 7:50 AM.

·         Signs will be posted encouraging students to social distance whenever possible and to encourage hand washing.

·         At this time, parents/visitors will not be permitted beyond the lobby without approval from the administrators. Phone calls or Zoom conferences will be the preferred method             of communication for meetings.

During class

·         Masks are recommended, but are not required for teachers and students within the classroom setting. Face shields will be provided to faculty and staff.

·         Social distancing will be maintained to the extent possible.

·         If students are pulled into small groups or cannot maintain social distancing guidelines, then masks will be required.

Changing classes/Restroom Visits/Flex

·         Students will not change classes. Teachers will utilize carts and rotate between classes.

·         A limited number of students will be allowed in the restroom at the same time. Students will utilize every other stall. Restrooms will be sanitized multiple times throughout the            day.

·         Students will have flex (Physical Activity) daily. Materials used by multiple students will be sanitized between use.

·         Students will have a designated time period each day to go on a walk or go outside for some physical activity (weather permitting). Social distancing will still be enforced                    during this time.

·         There will be reduced class interactions and hallway traffic/movement throughout the building.

·         Water fountains will not be used.  Touch free filtered water stations will be provided for students to fill their water bottles.


·         Students will eat lunch in their classrooms.

·         Lunches will be delivered by staff members to the room.

·         Hand sanitizer/hand washing will be utilized before students eat.


·         Car Riders will be dismissed at 2:55. Car riders will be given assigned seats (socially distanced) within the gym.

·         Students who ride a bus will remain in their classrooms until their bus is called.


·         Supervision schedules will be created and shared with all faculty and staff. These schedules will be posted in designated areas throughout the building.

·         Teachers will be assigned to stations throughout the building in the mornings to make sure that students are reporting to their designated class for temperature check.

·         Mrs. Nancy and Mrs. Angie will have a thermometer in their office to check the temperature of all students who enter the building late.

·         If a student feels sick, Nurse Robin will attend to them. Nurse Robin will determine if a student needs to go home based on district and health department recommendations.              If a student has a fever (100.4), they will be given a mask and sent to a designated area to wait for a parent.

·         Increased cleaning and disinfection of all buildings and buses will occur daily.

·         Requirements for masks may be adjusted as indicated by traditional or blended schedule, number of active cases and other health updates.


·         Students who ride a bus will be required to wear a mask at all times while on the bus.

·         All car riders will enter through the gym each morning until 8:05. After that time, they will enter through the front office. Temperature checks will be administered at both                      areas. After 2:45, all students will exit through the gym.